Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tears of Joy

So today at work this girl showed up totally on the verge of tears. This is someone that I have only recently become acquainted with, but we've managed to create a bit of friendship in the downtime of refilling people's diet pepsis. She goes to the Y and she is getting married in about 3 weeks or so. She's about 22 years old, I believe. And when she told she was engaged a few weeks ago, I gladly congratulated her.

But on seeing her tonight, my initial thoughts were not the most noble. I thought, "Huh, I wonder if she's still getting married? Maybe she's had some fight and broken off the wedding...That would be lucky for her." I'm not sure if this is an enlightened thought or not, but it's really what I thought.

I've never been married. And I may not even have any real insights concerning love and marriage, but I can't help the visceral reactions I have when I meet another young mormon couple about to take a leap of faith, propelled either by their blind devotion to a flawed paradigm or by their hormones. Or both.

1 comment:

Sara Elizabeth Hill said...

Lucky for her, or lucky for you???